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sweet living

sweet living
we make our lives by every word we speak

Monday, June 7, 2010

Crazy wants

An exciting time it is,half the year.Just yesterday,i realized how swift June has become.Unbelievably my 2010 resolutions forgotten.In fact,i just reflected only to remember i dumped my action plans at my dusty shelf.My troubled conscience is now face-to-face with no results to show for it.What a reminder of a famous quote i know,"procrastination is a thief of time." It is questionable where i am heading.Janet,a friend of mine at age 24 years told me she has put down payment for "Mercedes kompressor," her birthday's gift this year.i would have loved to stay longer,most likely it could cost my next goal.I will keep you posted on updates.

1 comment:

  1. Am just wondering...what is this story about? Again?
    Am i supposed to know that i should not postpone plans? May be..but why?
    Congs on your starting a blog!
    All the best
